Soul Care Coaching integrates your spirit, soul, and body. These tools will enhance, empower, and amplify every area of your life personally and professionally.


I am inspired by the act of women having a voice to declare their boundaries, and for them to feel safe without judgement.  I want change and freedom for the hearts of women who are trapped in their own story due to the choices of others.  When a heart comes alive and injustice is overcome through restoration our hearts are set on fire. 

For the woman who is struggling to break free because she's beat down and no hope of ever reaching her potential; I want her to know her power can be restored! For her to know how to take the pen out of EVERY hand unauthorized to write in her story! Just like in my own story, she is an agent of change and HER BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE is within reach!


When I was five years old, I witnessed an abusive encounter between my mother and father that created friction and tension in my soul about God’s unconditional love and faithfulness that left me disillusioned.  The day this abuse occurred she was wearing my favorite thing, a yellow robe. 

Life dealt a cruel blow to my heart and in seconds everything in my environment felt unsafe and insecure.  I watched my earthly protectors dissolve under the hands of destruction and my soul became inflicted with shame and abandonment. As a teenager, and well into my adult years, I made spiritual statements to convince myself I believed God was a faithful Father, without realizing that I was in love with “the idea”, but the reality my soul operated in was a stark narrative.   It would take years to unlock truth in my heart.  Through my own soul care of intensive coaching and counseling my unbelief, distrust, and hatred towards God and myself surfaced. The truth is, tucked away in my soul, I believed eventually God would discover I wasn’t enough and leave like my earthly father.

At five my heart was torn along with the sleeve of her yellow robe and a part of me died that day while shame, insecurity, worthlessness, and abandonment were reinforced repeatedly through my own abuse as an adult. In 2016, God began rewriting my shattered narrative. I would escape the unraveling of an abusive marriage of twenty-three years and contemplated suicide more than once. But, my light stayed on and my gruesome dark nights turned to brighter days.    


My mama’s robe has been redeemed in her life and mine.  But, I’m far from done because I know you have “a robe” signifying trauma too.  We speak of community and we crave safety within this space and place.  A space where isolation is replaced with belonging. Where mental health isn’t a taboo topic because our light is truly barely flickering.  Where we feel accepted because our pain has been dismissed and minimized.  Where gut-wrenching conversations about betrayal and beyond can be held.  And most importantly we are deeply loved because we were created to be!  These are our deep desires and they seem too good to be true.  But, we can't afford to accept that lie any longer!  

We are creating soul-care-conversations for every female to make it through to her bright side of life.  We want you to know freedom is not ‘too good to be true’.  The table is set.  My publisher said, “Juliette, it will take EVERYTHING in you to tell your story for your book.”  So, for you - It will take everything in you to tell your story, to be brave, to have courage, to heal, to restore, to forgive, to release, to unclench your fists and let go, to trust the hearts of other women, but we (you) aren’t doing it alone.  Scary as hell? LITERALLY! YES! ABSOLUTELY!  BUT, heaven on earth is coming!  Can you feel it in your bones?   

Join today! Set your soul on fire and spread the love with every female!  Your story will become someone's hope...we promise!  Let’s light up your dark nights to days, and together step into your BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE.  



According to U.S. News in 2020... 

The highest suicide rate among women was among those 45 to 64 years old.  Ages 10-44 continues to increase.  


"You were not created to die a statistic.  This is another reminder to humanity why soul care isn't a luxury, it's a necessity."




Begin reading and/or listening to Watershed Warrior and access all 11 Soul Care Sessions.


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Do you ever ask when is my life going to change? What is on the other side of your YES?  

Maybe the more important question is what will it cost you to say no?  How many times have you walked away from tending to your soul?  I bristle a little when I hear cliche phrases like "today is your day", but for real.  If you're still here let us know!  


Testimonial from Annie S., Mama, Wife, Beloved Daughter, and Friend

Juliette was the voice of Truth, I knew was in me, but I was having a hard time hearing it clearly on my own, because when we have an enemy and inner critic clouding our vision and understanding of who we truly are and the gifts God wants to bless us with, we don’t always know how to navigate through our own journeys that will bring us to accept and receive the true calling, freedom, and blessings we were made to know and have.  She was that voice for me as I weeded the plants in my life that were holding me back, limiting, or blocking me from stepping into the full potential of who I was created to be. Working with Juliette was allowing the voice of truth to illuminate over the voice of lies, she was an advocate for freedom and a sister in Christ championing me to not give up.  I am forever grateful to have had Juliette, be my coach, encourager, safe place, & confirmation of truth, equipping me with tools and understanding how to stand in the power of Who I am by knowing Whose I am. It was truly a life-transforming experience that myself, family and community have benefited from. We are the light of the world, but we cannot shine our light until we first experience it. 


J.T , Executive Management

A friend of mine contacted me to inform me that he was just blown away by how vibrant I looked and felt that everyone needs to know about this!

K.H., Wellness Coach & International Missions

The power that God gives you to find the perfect words to say and write — well, it’s just WOW. Are you sure you’re real? Am I dreaming? #pinchme 

P.B., Non-profit Women's Coordinator

I really enjoyed meeting you and had a great experience!  You have a beautiful spirit about you that immediately makes people feel comfortable. You radiate warmth and love!  I appreciate you chatting with me and bringing out my struggles so that I may move forward and heal.”  xoxo